Disarm, Dismantle, Make a profit?
Bus to Buchel
9-13 August
Will you join our bus trip to the action camp in Büchel ?
> [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/news/buchel-action-camp] Read more [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/news/buchel-action-camp]
Nuclear Pub Quiz
19 June
You think you know everything about nukes? Let’s find out!
> Read more [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/news/nuclear-pubquiz]
6-13 July: Take Action for Abolition!
Nuclear Abolition Week [http://www.icanw.org/nuclear-abolition-week-2/how-to-get-involved/#.UcDfvNhmOac] is a chance to unite with campaigners around the globe and take creative and inspiring actions to outlaw nuclear weapons. What can you do between 6 – 13 July to raise awareness about the unacceptable harm caused by nuclear weapons? Will you stand in the city centre with some friends and a map showing the impact of a nuclear detonation on your city? Will you send a letter to your foreign minister demanding they start negotiations to outlaw nuclear weapons? Will you share your shadow on facebook, twitter and instagram? Will you sign the petition to start a ban on nuclear weapons [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/get-involved] and get your friends to sign as well?
This is a great opportunity to be creative and have fun capturing your governments attention and support for a treaty banning nuclear weapons. ICAN [http://www.icanw.org] has produced a campaigners kit ( available here) [http://icanw.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8fea3b2f9c797c5257f8be45c&id=84f6e60356&e=034e0cdbce] for inspiration. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch [mailto:nukes@ikvpaxchristi.nl?subject=Question%20Nuclear%20Abolition%20Week] if you need assistance or more information!
http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-fb-bcskl-jjfltutlh-v/ http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-tw-bcskl-jjfltutlh-e/
Coming out of the nuclear closet
In a National Geographic documentary on the cold war, former Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers broke the cone of silence surrounding the U.S. nuclear weapons stored at the Volkel air base in the Netherlands. After Lubbers, former Prime Ministers Van Agt and Stemerdink followed. Unfortunately the Dutch government continues the practice of not confirming or denying. > Read more [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/news/the-end-of-ambiguity-the-beginning-of-transparency]
http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-fb-bcskl-jjfltutlh-yh/ http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-tw-bcskl-jjfltutlh-yk/
Nuclear Pub Quiz
Dust your quiz hats off, leave your HAZMAT suits at home and be sure to come to the nuclear themed pub quiz on Wednesday the 19th of June!
From North Korea to The Netherlands we all know something about nuclear issues. Bundle your knowledge in a team and show your skills during the pub quiz in ‘De Deugd’, in The Hague. From the infamous Little Boy to Yellow Cake, Iran to Irradiation, everything will be covered under the enjoyment of a beer and a summer breeze.
First prize is a pound of yellowcake! > Read more [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/news/nuclear-pubquiz]
http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-fb-bcskl-jjfltutlh-jr/ http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-tw-bcskl-jjfltutlh-jy/
Will you join our bus trip to Büchel, Germany?
This summer we organize a bus trip from the Netherlands to the action camp at the nuclear weapons storage base of Büchel, Germany (9-13 August). On Friday 9 August we will make a bus stop at Volkel, the nuclear weapon storage base in the Netherlands. Let us know [mailto:nukes@ikvpaxchristi.nl?subject=Bus%20to%20Buchel%2C%20Germany] if you want to join our bus trip! > Read more [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/news/buchel-action-camp]
The time to divest is now!
On Wednesday 29 May activists gathered at the five-star Okura hotel in Amsterdam to protest at the Annual shareholders meeting of European Aeronautic Defence & Space Company (EADS). This weapons company is known for producing (parts of) nuclear weapons for France. Krista van Velzen from IKV Pax Christi (and ICAN [http://www.icanw.org] Partner in the Netherlands) was one of the concerned shareholders that went into the meeting to ask critical questions and ask the company to stop producing nuclear weapons and the shareholders to stop investing in these inhumane weapons.
> Read more [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/news/the-time-to-divest-is-now]
http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-fb-bcskl-jjfltutlh-ju/ http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-tw-bcskl-jjfltutlh-tl/
Disarm, Dismantle, Make a profit?
Debates are ongoing in nuclear armed arsenals. The full life cycle costs of nuclear weapons, including long warheads are, however, rarely considered in debates. IKV Pax Christi’s paper Disarm, dismantle and make a profit: A cost-benefit analysis of nuclear modernisatoin versus nuclear disarmament comes to a clear conclusion: when one examines the math and the potential profits to be made, the choice is obvious: disarm, down-blend and make a profit. > Download the report [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/documentation/disarm-dismantle-and-make-a-profit]
http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-fb-bcskl-jjfltutlh-th/ http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-tw-bcskl-jjfltutlh-tk/
You’re receiving this because you have subscribed via our website, or otherwise asked us to keep you informed.
Edit your subscription http://ikvpcnonukes.updatemyprofile.com/r-bcskl-E233A5CD-jjfltutlh-ir | Unsubscribe http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-u-bcskl-jjfltutlh-iy/
No Nukes is a project of
IKV Pax Christi
PO Box 19318
3501 DH Utrecht
The Netherlands
Disarm, Dismantle, Make a profit?
Bus to Buchel
9-13 August
Will you join our bus trip to the action camp in Büchel ?
> [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/news/buchel-action-camp] Read more [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/news/buchel-action-camp]
Nuclear Pub Quiz
19 June
You think you know everything about nukes? Let’s find out!
> Read more [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/news/nuclear-pubquiz]
6-13 July: Take Action for Abolition!
Nuclear Abolition Week [http://www.icanw.org/nuclear-abolition-week-2/how-to-get-involved/#.UcDfvNhmOac] is a chance to unite with campaigners around the globe and take creative and inspiring actions to outlaw nuclear weapons. What can you do between 6 – 13 July to raise awareness about the unacceptable harm caused by nuclear weapons? Will you stand in the city centre with some friends and a map showing the impact of a nuclear detonation on your city? Will you send a letter to your foreign minister demanding they start negotiations to outlaw nuclear weapons? Will you share your shadow on facebook, twitter and instagram? Will you sign the petition to start a ban on nuclear weapons [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/get-involved] and get your friends to sign as well?
This is a great opportunity to be creative and have fun capturing your governments attention and support for a treaty banning nuclear weapons. ICAN [http://www.icanw.org] has produced a campaigners kit ( available here) [http://icanw.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=8fea3b2f9c797c5257f8be45c&id=84f6e60356&e=034e0cdbce] for inspiration. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch [mailto:nukes@ikvpaxchristi.nl?subject=Question%20Nuclear%20Abolition%20Week] if you need assistance or more information!
http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-fb-bcskl-jjfltutlh-v/ http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-tw-bcskl-jjfltutlh-e/
Coming out of the nuclear closet
In a National Geographic documentary on the cold war, former Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers broke the cone of silence surrounding the U.S. nuclear weapons stored at the Volkel air base in the Netherlands. After Lubbers, former Prime Ministers Van Agt and Stemerdink followed. Unfortunately the Dutch government continues the practice of not confirming or denying. > Read more [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/news/the-end-of-ambiguity-the-beginning-of-transparency]
http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-fb-bcskl-jjfltutlh-yh/ http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-tw-bcskl-jjfltutlh-yk/
Nuclear Pub Quiz
Dust your quiz hats off, leave your HAZMAT suits at home and be sure to come to the nuclear themed pub quiz on Wednesday the 19th of June!
From North Korea to The Netherlands we all know something about nuclear issues. Bundle your knowledge in a team and show your skills during the pub quiz in ‘De Deugd’, in The Hague. From the infamous Little Boy to Yellow Cake, Iran to Irradiation, everything will be covered under the enjoyment of a beer and a summer breeze.
First prize is a pound of yellowcake! > Read more [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/news/nuclear-pubquiz]
http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-fb-bcskl-jjfltutlh-jr/ http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-tw-bcskl-jjfltutlh-jy/
Will you join our bus trip to Büchel, Germany?
This summer we organize a bus trip from the Netherlands to the action camp at the nuclear weapons storage base of Büchel, Germany (9-13 August). On Friday 9 August we will make a bus stop at Volkel, the nuclear weapon storage base in the Netherlands. Let us know [mailto:nukes@ikvpaxchristi.nl?subject=Bus%20to%20Buchel%2C%20Germany] if you want to join our bus trip! > Read more [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/news/buchel-action-camp]
The time to divest is now!
On Wednesday 29 May activists gathered at the five-star Okura hotel in Amsterdam to protest at the Annual shareholders meeting of European Aeronautic Defence & Space Company (EADS). This weapons company is known for producing (parts of) nuclear weapons for France. Krista van Velzen from IKV Pax Christi (and ICAN [http://www.icanw.org] Partner in the Netherlands) was one of the concerned shareholders that went into the meeting to ask critical questions and ask the company to stop producing nuclear weapons and the shareholders to stop investing in these inhumane weapons.
> Read more [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/news/the-time-to-divest-is-now]
http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-fb-bcskl-jjfltutlh-ju/ http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-tw-bcskl-jjfltutlh-tl/
Disarm, Dismantle, Make a profit?
Debates are ongoing in nuclear armed arsenals. The full life cycle costs of nuclear weapons, including long warheads are, however, rarely considered in debates. IKV Pax Christi’s paper Disarm, dismantle and make a profit: A cost-benefit analysis of nuclear modernisatoin versus nuclear disarmament comes to a clear conclusion: when one examines the math and the potential profits to be made, the choice is obvious: disarm, down-blend and make a profit. > Download the report [http://www.nonukes.nl/en/documentation/disarm-dismantle-and-make-a-profit]
http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-fb-bcskl-jjfltutlh-th/ http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-tw-bcskl-jjfltutlh-tk/
You’re receiving this because you have subscribed via our website, or otherwise asked us to keep you informed.
Edit your subscription http://ikvpcnonukes.updatemyprofile.com/r-bcskl-E233A5CD-jjfltutlh-ir | Unsubscribe http://ikvpcnonukes.cmail5.com/t/r-u-bcskl-jjfltutlh-iy/
No Nukes is a project of
IKV Pax Christi
PO Box 19318
3501 DH Utrecht
The Netherlands
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