
2024 - 平和外交研究所 - Page 4


金正恩の近代的強国 202402
























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Kim Jong-un’s modern power state
Kim Jong-un appears to be trying to raise North Korea’s international status.
After the end of World War II, the Korean people began talks to establish a single nation, but before this could be achieved, in 1948 the South of the peninsula established the Republic of Korea, and the North, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea). Both countries aim to eventually unify and make the Korean Peninsula one country, and the world has understood this as well. As a result, both the south and the north felt unfinished as a nation.
North and South joined the United Nations as separate states in September 1991, but their stance of aiming for unification remained unchanged.
On January 15, 2024, North Korean General Secretary Kim Jong-un declared at the Supreme People’s Assembly, “Today, we will bring an end to the 80-year history of North-South relations.” He argued that it was necessary to completely erase the preconceived notion that they were members of the same race. Prior to this meeting, at the general meeting of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea at the end of last year, he stated that “we do not have a kinship relationship with South Korea, but rather a hostile national relationship.”
Neither experts nor the media can simply trust North Korea’s announcements. Others see it as a provocation. While this is not unreasonable given past examples, there are aspects of Kim Jong-un’s latest declaration that should be noted.
First, portraits and statues of Kim Il Sung were removed from public places in North Korea. This is impossible according to conventional wisdom. The leadership of North Korea began with Kim Il Sung, then his son Kim Jong Il, and then Kim Jong Il’s son Kim Jong Un, but the first Kim Il Sung was the founding father of North Korea. He has been called the “Great Leader”. His authority was enormous and unchallenged.
Kim Jong-il was a man who followed his father Kim Il-sung as a leader, and his hobbies included watching movies, his authority could never reach that of Kim Il-sung. Furthermore, Kim Jong-un became a leader at a young age and lacks experience. There were doubts as to whether he would be able to lead North Korea.
This was the common sense view, but Kim Jong-un has begun to overturn this common sense. From this point on, there is bound to be some speculation, but it is not without reason. If we look at it from Kim Jong-un’s perspective,
North Korea has already developed nuclear weapons. It has also tested ballistic missiles to the world’s shock, and has successfully launched intercontinental ballistic missiles, making it possible to attack the United States. This type of military power was developed under Kim Jong Il and was perfected during the Kim Jong Un era. In comparison, during the Kim Il-sung era, North Korea fought a war with South Korea, but would have lost without China’s help. During the Kim Il Sung era, North Korea still spoke of being strong, but it is clearly true that it did not yet possess nuclear weapons or missiles, and North Korea’s military power was no match for the United States and others.
Politically, Kim Il-sung was clearly weak during his time. Without China and Russia’s help, it would have been difficult to assert itself in the international community.
On May 16, 1961, Park Chung Hee of the Republic of Korea staged a military coup and established an anti-communist military regime , and North Korea, sensing a threat , sought alliances with the Soviet Union and China . After signing the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance with the Soviet Union on July 6, 1961 , Kim Il Sung immediately headed to China and signed the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance with China on July 11 . It is said that Kim Il-sung was in a good mood as he succeeded to get an alliance treaty with both China and the Soviet Union at about the same time.
During the Kim Il Sung era, North Korea advocated the Juche ideology, but in reality China and Russia were irreplaceable older brothers, and it was necessary to treat them with the utmost friendship.
This kind of relationship between North Korea and China and Russia continued for a long time. Even when Kim Jong-un visited China and Russia, he did not receive the warmest of hospitality, and Kim Jong-un was dissatisfied and even cut short his visits from both China and Russia and returned home.
However, the situation has now changed significantly. Although North Korea is not on par with the United States in terms of nuclear weapons and missiles, it has become capable of counterattacking with nuclear weapons and missiles in an emergency. Originally research may have begun during the Kim Il Sung era, but in reality it was realized under the leadership of Kim Jong Il and Kim Jong Un.
Of course, Kim Jong-un cannot undermine the authority of Kim Il-sung, the founding father of the nation, but Kim Il-sung’s achievements only exist in history, and it is inappropriate in modern times to hold them up as they are. I think that’s what Kim Jong-un is starting to think.
The relationship between Kim Jong-un and Kim Il-sung has changed since around 2019 . According to a March 2019 article in the Rodong Sinmun newspaper, Kim Jong-un wrote in a letter, “If we deify the revolutionary activities and appearance of the leader (supreme leader) by emphasizing his greatness, we are hiding the truth. (Asahi 2 , May 22 , 2020 ) .
The recent removal of portraits and statues promoted the de-idolization of Kim Il-sung in a way that was visible to the people. It will take some time to confirm whether Kim Il Sung’s reputation has changed dramatically across the country, but it should not be difficult.
I have already stated that one of the reasons that made this possible was the improvement in military power, so I will not repeat it.
The other reason is political. In the wake of the invasion of Ukraine, North Korea was requested supplies such as ammunition from Russia. I don’t know the details of the situation, but it appears that Russia made a plea to North Korea, and the request was eventually realized.
Kim Jong Un departed from Pyongyang on the afternoon of September 10th, 2023 on a private train and met with President Putin on the 13th at the Vostochny Cosmodrome in Russia’s far eastern Amur region. He came back home on the 17th, and it was a long journey of over a week. Mr. Kim had visited Russia four years ago, but it seems that he did not enjoy at that time. As mentioned above, He cut short his plans and returned home.
Russia’s hospitality this time was incomparable to that of that time. President Putin has a habit of being late (it is said to be intentional) when he meets with foreign dignitaries, but this time he arrived at the meeting place several minutes earlier than the start of the meeting, and waited for Kim Jong un. Furthermore, President Putin accompanied Kim to some facilities. Russia also provided North Korea with much-needed missile technology. Kim Jong-un must have been keenly aware of the warm welcome , which was different from his previous visit.
Kim Jong Un must have realized that Russia and North Korea are now on equal footing, or close to equal footing. If you look at it objectively, it is difficult to see North Korea as having developed to that extent. However, what is important is how Kim Jong Un perceives it. He does not think North Korea a temporarily divided nation any longer, but a regular country like China or Russia .
Regarding relations with South Korea, on November 15, 2023, Kim declared in a speech at the Supreme People’s Assembly (equivalent to the National Assembly), “Today, we will bring an end to 80 years of North-South relations.” He also stated that it is necessary to “completely erase the preconceived notion that South Korea is a partner for reconciliation and unification, and that we are members of the same tribe.” If a war breaks out on the Korean peninsula, South Korea should be “completely occupied and transformed into a republic.” He also argued that the policy of “incorporating South Korea into North Korea” should be included in the constitution. I will not discuss here whether this is seen as a policy or merely an epistemology, but it is consistent with North Korea’s self-improvement of its international status.
Kim Jong-un’s desire to act as a legitimate leader of the nation is also reflected in the fact that he sent Prime Minister Kishida a telegram of condolence and addressed him as “Your Excellency” after the Noto Peninsula earthquake.
We need to be careful about what actions North Korea will take in the future under Kim Jong-un, who has developed a new view of the nation.

孔子学院は先細っていくか 2024年1月



 ところが最近、各地で孔子学院を閉鎖する事例が増えてきた。米国の場合、多い時には100以上の学校に孔子学院が置かれていたが、その後廃止する学校が続出し、2023年6月の全米科学者協会(National Association of Scholars NAS)の報告では、孔子学院として残っているのは10校になっていた。ただし、米国における孔子学院に対する警戒心が強くなるに伴い、名称を変えるなどして生き残りを図っているところもある。教育内容はほとんど変わらないという。


 日本においては2023年5月、政府は早稲田大や立命館大など国内の少なくとも13大学に、中国政府による中国語や自国文化の普及を目的とした教育機関「孔子学院」設置が確認されていると明らかにした(参政党の神谷宗幣参院議員の質問に対する答弁書 内閣参質二一一第六三号)。このうち、福山大(広島県福山市)は2024年3月での閉鎖を決めている。日本全国では3校目の閉鎖となる。
 このような動きが広まってきた理由について、全米科学者協会(National Association of Scholars NAS)、米国大学教授協会(American Association Of University Professors AAUP)、カリフォルニア大学・アネンバーグ校(USC Annenberg)などの報告・声明は以下のような問題を指摘している。







台湾の総統選挙 2024

















The following was translated automatically.
Taiwan presidential election 2024
In Taiwan’s presidential election held on January 13, Lai Ching-te of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party was elected. The last election four years ago was a battle between the Democratic Progressive Party and the Kuomintang, but this time it was a close contest between the three ruling and opposition parties: the Democratic Progressive Party, the Kuomintang Party, and the People’s Party.
The Democratic Progressive Party was an illegal organization during the Kuomintang’s rule, but it formed a political party in 1986 with the support of Taiwanese people, and achieved its first Democratic Progressive Party government by defeating the Kuomintang in the presidential election in 2000 . After that, the Kuomintang’s president (Ma Ying-jeou) was reinstated for eight years, but the Democratic Progressive Party remained in power for the remaining 16 years.
Since losing to the Democratic Progressive Party, the Kuomintang Party has been fighting with the goal of regaining power. A chance arose in the 2020 presidential election, but the Kuomintang Party was defeated by candidate Tsai Ing-wen, further reinforcing the Democratic Progressive Party’s dominance. Taiwan’s president can be elected for two terms, lasting up to eight years. In this election, although the Democratic Progressive Party received the support of a large number of Taiwanese, nearly 60% of people thought there was a need for a change of government . The Kuomintang Party must have fought hard to regain power, but in the end it lost again to the Democratic Progressive Party.
The victorious Lai Ching-te was originally a physician and hygienist, but after turning to politics, he spoke out clearly on all matters and smoothly became the new leader of the Democratic Progressive Party.
He has a close relationship with Japan, and in March 2011, he posted tweets in Japanese to express our condolences to the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake , and three months after the earthquake , he even held a message called “Let’s go to Nikko.” Wearing a T-shirt with large print on it, he visited Nikko with a group of over 300 Taiwanese citizens .
There is also cause for concern regarding Lai Ching-te. In particular, Lai is known as a Taiwanese independence advocate, and he said things like “I advocate Taiwan’s independence” and “China should respect the Taiwanese people’s claim that Taiwan is an independent and sovereign nation.” When he visited Shanghai in 2014, he said, “I’m pro-China, not anti-China. I’m proTaiwn.” He also said, ` `Taiwan independence is a common understanding among Taiwanese people . ”
Immediately after the presidential election results were announced, the United States issued a statement offering its “congratulations” to Lai Ching-te. At the same time, US President Biden , in response to a question from reporters , said clearly that he does not support (Taiwan) independence . He believes that Lai Ching-de should not have any misunderstanding about the fact that the United States does not want Taiwan to become independent.
It is a well-known fact that China has supported the Kuomintang Party in the past and in the recent presidential election, and dislikes the Democratic Progressive Party. It flew missiles into waters near Taiwan, made threatening remarks on Taiwan economy, etc..
However, China’s preference for the Kuomintang did not have any effect in the presidential election. On the contrary, it has actually amplified Taiwanese hatred towards China.
In Taiwan, there is a public opinion poll that asks people whether they consider themselves “Taiwanese” or “Chinese.” According to the results of a recent survey, only about 2.5 % of people answered “Chinese. ” Direct presidential elections began to be held in Taiwan in 1996, and at that time about 20% of people answered that they were Chinese, but the trend has been steadily decreasing ever since. If this trend continues, the number of “Chinese” people will continue to decline.
However, polls do not directly reflect into election results. In this presidential election, approximately 34% of the people voted for the Nationalist Party’s candidate Hou Youyi. It means that among those who answered “Taiwanese,” a large number voted for the Kuomintang.
I am not sure how the Kuomintang understands this situation, but it is absolutely necessary to increase the number of such “Taiwanese” in order to expand the Kuomintang’s strength in the future. But is it possible? The Kuomintang cannot raise the banner of unification with China. Hou Youyi, the Kuomintang candidate, said, “If I am elected, I will expand dialogue with China,” but also clarified that “during my term in office, I will not touch on the issue of unification with China.” This is a natural statement. If the Kuomintang were to make unification its banner, the number of Taiwanese who would vote for the Kuomintang would drop to nearly zero.
In other words, although the Kuomintang’s image is toward the unification of Taiwan with China, it cannot use that as a signboard, and has no choice but to advocate friendship with China based on economic and security issues. If this view is correct, the future of the Kuomintang cannot be said to be bright.
The new party that emerged was the People’s Party. Although the party was only formed in August 2019 , it has expanded in power in a short period of time . In this presidential election , although it was not as good as the Democratic Progressive Party or the Kuomintang, it is noteworthy that it showed enough momentum to be called a three-way race.
Ko Wen-che, who founded the People’s Party, was a professor at Taiwan University and an authority on emergency medicine and organ transplants, but he was an unknown figure in the political world. However, in the November 2014 unified local elections, he ran for mayor of Taipei, then public opinion polls showed that when he was more popular than the Kuomintang’s candidate. Lian Sheng-wen was the son of the Kuomintang honorary president Lianchan and had money, status, and name recognition, but his reputation did not improve. The KMT, which was in a panic, personally attacked Ko Wen-che saying his family was using the Japanese name “Aoyama or Qingshan” , only causing them to lose even more votes .
The Democratic Progressive Party did not field a candidate in the Taipei mayoral election. At the beginning, they were planning to put forward a candidate, but since it seemed unlikely that they would be able to defeat Ko Wen-che, they quickly withdrew their own candidate and turned to supporting Ko Wen-che.
In this presidential election, Ko Wen-che received more than 26% of the votes. This is an astonishing number. Of course, Ko Wen-che has little political experience, and the People’s Party’s organizational strength is still weak. However, Ke Wen-che will probably be even stronger in the next presidential match than he is now.
Ke Wen-che also has weaknesses or questionable points. Regarding relations with China, he stated, “It is necessary to ensure Taiwan’s democratic and free political system and lifestyle, and then promote dialogue and exchange with the other side (China).” However, there is a strong possibility that China will not tolerate such a ‘Neither one nor the other’ stance. If that happens, Ko Wen-che will eventually have no choice but to make his flag clearer. For Ke Wen-che, relations with China are a future issue.




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