「The Meeting discussed matters relating to the South China Sea and took note of the serious concerns expressed by some Ministers over the recent and on-going developments in the area, including land reclamation, which have resulted in the erosion of trust and confidence amongst parties, and may undermine peace, security and stability in the South China Sea.」(パラ25)
「The Meeting reaffirmed the importance of maintaining peace, security and stability, freedom of navigation in and over-flight above the South China Sea.」(パラ26)
ケリー国務長官は”China’s construction of facilities for “military purposes” on man-made islands was raising tensions and risked “militarization” by other claimant states”.
“Freedom of navigation and overflight are among the essential pillars of international maritime law,”
“Despite assurances that these freedoms would be respected, we have seen warnings issued and restrictions attempted in recent months,”
“Let me be clear: The United States will not accept restrictions on freedom of navigation and overflight, or other lawful uses of the sea.” などと発言した。
なお、南シナ海諸国(東南アジアと中国)の共同宣言(DOC Declaration on the Conduct of Parties 紛争の平和的解決と敵対的行動の自制、および、軍関係者の相互交流などによる信頼醸成を高めること)の履行と、次のステップとしての行動綱領(COC Code of Conduct of Parties 領有権に関する紛争を海洋法にしたがって解決することなどを含む)採択へ向けての努力についても議論されたが、とくに進展はなかったようである。
「The Meeting discussed matters relating to the South China Sea and took note of the serious concerns expressed by some Ministers over the recent and on-going developments in the area, including land reclamation, which have resulted in the erosion of trust and confidence amongst parties, and may undermine peace, security and stability in the South China Sea.」(パラ25)
「The Meeting reaffirmed the importance of maintaining peace, security and stability, freedom of navigation in and over-flight above the South China Sea.」(パラ26)
ケリー国務長官は”China’s construction of facilities for “military purposes” on man-made islands was raising tensions and risked “militarization” by other claimant states”.
“Freedom of navigation and overflight are among the essential pillars of international maritime law,”
“Despite assurances that these freedoms would be respected, we have seen warnings issued and restrictions attempted in recent months,”
“Let me be clear: The United States will not accept restrictions on freedom of navigation and overflight, or other lawful uses of the sea.” などと発言した。
なお、南シナ海諸国(東南アジアと中国)の共同宣言(DOC Declaration on the Conduct of Parties 紛争の平和的解決と敵対的行動の自制、および、軍関係者の相互交流などによる信頼醸成を高めること)の履行と、次のステップとしての行動綱領(COC Code of Conduct of Parties 領有権に関する紛争を海洋法にしたがって解決することなどを含む)採択へ向けての努力についても議論されたが、とくに進展はなかったようである。
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